Thursday, 31 January 2013

Why I receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue

Well, it's actually extremely simple.

Because this:



And He = GOD!!!!

Ergo, I kneel humbly before the Eucharist, to receive my Saviour in a manner that reminds me Who He is, and who I am.


  1. Welcome to the Catholic Blog Directory. I'd like to invite you to join other Catholic bloggers for Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnvial, a weekly gathering where Catholic bloggers share their best posts with each other. This week's host post is at

  2. Thankyou RAnn!! Unfortunately I evidently was too late in the game this week.

  3. Makes sense to me! :D Also, you know receive kneeling too? When did that happen? Was it hard change? What's it been like? :)

  4. Yeah I do!! About a year ago I think... nah. I was a bit nervous at first, but I just did it at places where I knew the priest wouldn't make a fuss. I've never done it at my own parish though, because I saw someone get berated by one of the priests once. :S It's been great. It's quite a humbling posture. I think I was inspired by a combination of seeing other people do it, and reading a few things, and thinking about the connection between how most people receive today, and what they believe the Eucharist actually is.
